The first thing you may notice about Emily is her hair.It was the first thing I noticed as she pulled up in her little black pickup. She chose a
daring beautiful red color and in an spontaneous descion dyed it the
night before our shoot. I don't know about you but I would have been
petrified to make such a huge change before my senior pictures, so it
goes without saying that Emily has guts!
Emily is a senior at Cascade Highschool. She is going to pursue a career in Cosmotology and if her current do has anything to say about it I think she's going to knock people's socks off with her creativity and talent. Behind the flaming red hair and ready smile, Emily is a quiet well spoken teen who loves reading, especially about vampires and other supernatural romances.Yep, you guessed it, she's a Twilight fan, but then again there aren't very many people out there that aren't in some way or another. Her favorite color is pink. Let's add one more thing about Emily...
She's graduating early! Let's all give this super talented young lady a huge round of applause.