Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The blog is closing...

I've decided after a few weeks of really thinking about it, that I'm going to close down the blog. I've had a really hard time keeping up with the postings and can't seem to stay on track. The last session I blogged was from October...of last year! :(
I've got a back log of dozens of sessions that I just never got around to posting, well at least not here at any rate. And really the internet world doesn't seem to be too taken with this blog anyways so I don't think it will be missed anyways. Since I started the only time I've ever had any comments was during the Best of 2011 Contest.
So if you're interested in staying up on all the latest, I invite you to follow our Facebook page. It's always up to date with the latest and greatest from Fairytree.
I'm going to leave the blog open for now, but there won't be anymore posts.
Thanks whoever was reading,

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