A few months ago we visited the Bennett family for their family photos back at Rutledge Falls. Mom had just found a few days before that she was pregnant with their second child. Now several months later I got the opportunity to showcase the growing life inside her, a new baby boy, named Parker. Parker is expected to make his debut sometime in November and I'm very excited to meet him, course not nowhere near as excited as little Ethan whose about to become a big brother! Mom was absolutely glowing for our entire session all smiles and laughter, leading me to believe she might be the most beautiful pregnant woman I've ever met. Course I may be a bit partial.
We had a devil of a time getting this shot. Mom is a small lady and even with the promise of new life causing her stomach to swell there almost wasn't enough room for all the blocks. Couple that with little Ethan sitting nearby doing silly things. Everytime she'd laugh the blocks would jump off. And then just as soon as we got them settled again little Parker decided to kick and they all tumbled down again, lol! |
This is the mom's favorite shot. And I love it too, it came out exactly as I imagined it and is as an added bonus almost SOOC. Everytime I look at this, I imagine a deep conversation between dad and son, about the new baby or maybe where babies come from. |
Another one of the mom's favorite shots. In this one I wanted to go for a goddess of plenty look. She's holding a cornucopia or horn of plenty filled with indian corn and looking into the sky while holding her belly and the baby within. |
And this one's my favorite. So many times the first born gets a little overlooked during the first bit of the new babies life and I wanted to make sure Ethan didn't feel that way at all. So here's Ethan, so happy, smiley, his bear-bear in the seat next to him. He's excited to meet his new little brother, Parker. And Mom and Dad are in the background this time, looking at their little boy whose getting bigger ever day and holding onto baby Parker and each other. |
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