Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Playing in Sunlight

As we all know April was an insanely busy month for us at Fairytree Photography. We had bunny day which was a blast! I definitely hope to make Bunny Day a yearly endeavor and next year I'll plan ahead and instead of just going, 'hey, i wanna do this, lets make it happen'. Cut out some of the scrambling and stress. Then we had a bridal shoot for my sister-in-law. As you can manage the month was pretty well filled with helping out with their wedding in all forms not just photography. My brother and his beautiful bride are back home now after a wonderful sun filled vacation that makes my mouth water for the beat of ocean waves and are settling in nicely. Then we had the fairy promo shoot. And as usual it seems we had a few snags there as well but all in all that turned out fantastic too.
The Bennett family photoshoot that I'm about to share with you was a last minute addition to our monthly schedule. I'm always happy to work with this family they are just picture perfect. Beautiful mother, handsome father, and cute little boy. We went out for this shoot, visiting a local location known as Rutledge Falls. Rutledge Falls is a nicely groomed little area whose owner is generous and thoughtful enough to keep it up and share the spectacular hidden waterfalls with the public. The falls aren't in any of these pictures because Mother Bennett was a little worried about the climb down with flip flops on. And I don't blame her, especially not with the precious cargo she's carrying.
As busy as April was, I would love it if every month from now on out were just as busy if not more.

This is the family's favorite picture!

If you happen to notice a glow about this family its not just because of the wonderful sunlit day. There's an extra member of the family in these pictures! They just found out about a week before the shoot that they'll be expecting their second child! Congratulations guys!

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